Examples of testing technology solutions
In collaboration with our partner Interactive Imagination Ltd, we constantly test and develop new technologies and solutions for present and future projects.
Custom technology

AR and VR experiments

Holographic Displays testing

“Obi Wan you are my only hope”

Gesture control experiments
A new hand gesture control device was launched. Everybody was raving about it, but what did people do? They simulated screen gestures…why not just use a touchscreen? So, how could you use this device in a way that actually utilised the new technology? This is what we did 🙂
Interactive dashboard concept
Just before touchscreens became a thing in cars, concept, graphics and interface design for an interactive touchscreen dashboard concept for Volvo Cars, running as an iPad simulation.

Examples of other research projects
- Complete concept development and interface design for iPad memory for patients with dementia (project is under NDA)
- Patented BT (British Telecom) Flexible Media Toolkit. Production ‘authoring toolkit’ for creating interactive adaptable media productions (Co-inventor, toolkit designer). Patent numbers (incl.): G06F17/30, 361/CHENP/2005 A, EP1956501